The Immi-Grind: Stress of the visa process - and the grind to keep it - is turning your hair gray.

The Immi-Grind:  Stress of the visa process - and the grind to keep it - is turning your hair gray.

You woke up this morning with a few more gray hairs than yesterday. No, it's not aging that's turning your mane into a salt and pepper look, it's the Immi-Grind. The endless paperwork, the nail-biting wait, the constant fear of rejection - getting and keeping your visa is enough stress to make anyone's hair go gray prematurely. Every day you grind through the bureaucracy and jump through hoop after hoop, all while worrying if that elusive stamp of approval will finally arrive. Will today be your lucky day or just another spin on the hamster wheel of headaches? The Immi-Grind may be a rite of passage, but someone pass the hair dye, please. At this rate you'll be rocking the silver fox look before your time. The struggle is real, but you're not alone. Welcome to the club of immigration-induced premature graying. The Immi-Grind got you too!

Coping With the Anxiety and Uncertainty of Immigration Limbo

The immigration process is notoriously stressful, time-consuming and uncertain. For many, it can feel like an endless grind that turns your hair gray. Here are some tips to help you cope during this difficult waiting period:


Manage Your Expectations


Understand that immigration can take a long time. Set reasonable expectations so you're not constantly disappointed by delays and setbacks. Prepare for a marathon, not a sprint.


Find Ways to Stay Busy


You will find it difficult trying not to check for updates every now and then, but you should know that doing so will make you more anxious. Instead of distracting your mind with negative thoughts, consider exercising, pursuing hobbies, learning a new skill, or volunteering. Purpose makes time flies faster.


Connect With Others


Don't go through this alone. Look out for other sufferers and find support via peer groups offline or online platforms. Share wisdom, encouragement and morale boosting. Sharing common emotional experiences with others can decrease stress and loneliness.


Take Care of Yourself


Make self-care a priority. Take exercise, eat well, drink less, take good rest. Engage in practice of meditation, deep breathing, yoga and Journaling. In addition, it is important to seek for counseling or therapy so as to enhance your own coping techniques. It is even more critical for your mental and physical health when the exercise can be so demanding.


Be Proactive


Although you have little control over so much, take action where possible. Make sure to review all the documents that come with each application to ensure they are correctly completed. Share immediately all additional information requested in the aftermath. Get in touch with your immigration officers and ensure that your case is under progress and whether there are additional works expected from your side. You’ll feel like you have some control over your situation and see your progress if you do as much as possible within yourself.


Waiting and uncertainty are frustrating parts of immigration; but, remember to keep healthy throughout this process while thinking about the result you want at its ending. In due time, your grey hair will go away, leaving behind a youthful self.